The Amazing Flea Act!
So what can your friendly neiboorhood magician (Walt Noon) say when a master puppeteer like Rob D'Arc comes to him and asks him to build a flea circus? Well, your answer is just to the left of this text!
After truly exhaustive research on the subject, and thanks to a large group of very knowlegable magic friends, it was determined that virtually no information existed on these turn of the century wonders. Therefore, Walt did the only logical thing; he built one anyway! And, the fleas are "jumping" to perform for you!
Click here, or on Rob's picture (above left) to first reviews and press coverage.
Click here, or on the flea (above middle) for in depth information on flea training exercises.
Click here, or on Walt's picture (above right) for info on mechanical construction of the circus.
Click here for ROBOTS and more STRANGE construction projects by Walt!
Click here for Walt's VR Flyer theme ride!
Click here for other magic projects by Walt Noon and friends.
Click here for complete info on PLANS to create your own circus! |
If you would like to WOW your guests at your next event with an authentic performance of a REAL flea circus, just click on our mail mouse below!
(C) Walt Noon 1997